As of last month, my weblog here at has been around TEN YEARS! That doesn’t seem possible, it only seems like it’s been a FEW years at most. But I can also remember a time before blogs (before internet too, but not before usenet – heh) when websites all had to be manually updated and created by coding your own html. I can also remember when most websites (NOT mine – LOL) were done with a white on black animated/twinkling star field background .gif and centered yellow text in Comic Sans font… *shudder* So yeah, TEN years! And many, many different designs. Holy HTML, batman!
Speaking of websites, I’ve finally gotten around to creating a website for a domain I bought about a year ago, or more. I created it as an additional way to promote some of my Celtic Art prints, so guess what I called it? Umm… yeah… Celtic Art Prints … clever, eh? (It’s the subtle nuances in the name that make it so whimsical!) I also made it an affiliate website so I’m promoting other people’s Celtic Art and Photography as well as mine – the more the merrier, and hopefully that will draw in a slightly wider variety of Celtic and Irish art seekers. There’s some really great Celtic Art out there, and I hope this site makes it easier for people to find it!
Oh, and have a great weekend everyone!