Today’s the GRAND OPENING of our new site, Abstract Weirdness!!!! It’s an online gallery for, what else, weird and abstract flash animations and images. (You’ll need the FLASH plug-in, BTW. If you have a more recent browser you probably already have it.) There are five animations and three still galleries there right now, and we’ll just keep adding more as we go. You can also sign up to get an email when we update the site. While I did the main design for the site, tom did all of the kickass PHP programming, making this one of the easiest to update sites I’ve ever seen. *grin* I also learned a bunch of CGI – how to include files, how to install stat scripts – that kind of thing. So take a trip to Abstract Weirdness when you’ve had enough of concrete normalcy. (Oh, I just KILL myself – nyuck nyuck.)