I just took the dogs out a few moments ago and there were a few coyotes yipping and howling in the distance. Our one dog Merlin howls right back to them, but Pepper just barks – I don’t think she ever really picked up on how to howl – LOL.
Today would be my grandfather’s birthday and also my friend Tori’s Mother’s birthday – funny how dates sometimes stick in your head. I can hardly believe that tomorrow night is Christmas Eve already! When I was growing up we always used to go to my Great Aunt Katie’s house for Christmas Eve – sometimes up to 100 relatives would pack that tiny house – the kids would take over the small upstairs and the basement and graze through the buffet in the dining room on their way back and forth. Everyone else was in the kitchen or the living room, but mostly the kitchen. Come to think of it – no matter who’s house we were at people always clumped together in the kitchen, even during parties. There’s just something about it that feels festive and fun and casual, instead of the -ahem- living room. Go figure. *grin*