Celtic St. Patrick’s Day T-shirts & Stuff

I have a bunch of different St. Patrick’s Day designs in my shop, most with a distinctly Celtic flair, but including the more traditional ‘wearing of the green’ sort of elements. (As opposed to a lot of my other Celtic art, which isn’t very ‘shamrocky’ at all – LOL).So if you’re looking for a new St. Patrick’s Day t-shirt or button that has no drinking leprechauns (not that there’s anything wrong with that – heh), feel free to click on some of these:

Luck of the Irish Celtic Shamrocks

How Irish Are You? Shamrock O’Meter

Green Celtic Shamrocks

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Celtic Shamrock Slainte (with knotwork background)

Celtic Shamrock (with knotwork background)

Celtic Four Leaf Clover

Scottish-Irish Hybrid

Irish-German Hybrid

Irish-Italian Hybrid

Irish-Norwegian Hybrid

French-Irish Hybrid

Welsh-Irish Hybrid
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