I thought I’d try a somewhat different technique when I was playing with this new Celtic art, “Celtic Star”, and I’m rather tickled at the results! I’m glad it came out looking like it was spinning in motion clockwise, which was my intention, but sometimes in the middle of a project you’re not sure if it’s going to switch directions on you or not. (Get it? Clockwise? Switch direction? Ack – I think I need more sleep.)
In any case, it’s a star design that swirls into the center and each point of the star has a three point knotwork in it. I don’t have it available as a print yet, but it is available on ‘stuff’ like t-shirts and other gifty items, a few are shown below:
Click any image above or click here to check out the entire selection. The design looks really sharp on the brown t-shirts as well (not shown) since it’s all in tans and beiges and such.