I’ve been blogging on this page since August of 2000 (egad!) and started with blogger when they had FAR fewer features than they have now. For instance – they had no commenting feature built in, so I’ve been using a friend’s personally coded comments system for a long time. But having recently gotten comment spam that, for some reason, I wasn’t able to edit or delete, I figured it was probably time to switch to doing comments through blogger. So while I was busy digging out the comment code from one of their pre-made templates to add to my OWN template, I figured it was probably also a good time to fix my individual post links (I didn’t even know they were broken – tsk tsk on me.), and add a title field to each post as well. So yay, I’m finally using more of this new fangled technology them young whipper snappers at blogger been adding. *grin* (Unfortunately, most of the old comments are inaccessible to the general public, although I still have the files – I’m sure most of you will get over that rather quickly, if not immediately – heh.)
Also, while I’m blogging about blogging, I’m also going to be mirroring this blog over at myspace now as well as continuing to mirror at livejournal too, so if that’s relevant to you, there you go. Now, if I could only remember to try to download JAVA so I could run that wonderful, but java-based, script I found that will crosspost to a number of different weblog services all at once! It’s a huge download for a crappy dialup connection, so I’ll probably just be manually posting to multiple places for a while – ahhh, well.