After letting the astrology drawings come out on their own terms instead
of trying to force them – heh – they came out all at once, it seems. Most
of them were relatively simple once I got over myself, except for the
silly Sagittarius centaur – if I never draw another centaur in my life it
will be too soon – LOL. I had to look at a ton of images of horses,
people, and centaurs on the web before assembling my final image – just
wouldn’t ‘click’ in my brain. Even the goat with the fishy tail
(Capricorn) was easier than the centaur. Probably just me though. On the
flip side, I was fairly pleased with my representation of Virgo. Most
people have her as an angel type or just a young woman – mine came out
with the upper torso of a woman with an outstretched hand with a butterfly
in/on it. (Although John says it also looks somewhat like a bird – either
works in a silhouette as far as I’m concerned.)
So now that I’ve
finished the drawings and the designs themselves, I’m now engaged in the
somewhat laborious task (due to our rather slow dialup connection, 24Kb,
max) of uploading the images I need for each product, times twelve. It
takes about 25 minutes to upload a 2 Mg image. Sometimes other shopowners
talk about uploading 70Mg images (for large posters, I reckon) and it just
boggles my little modem mind – LOL. Anyway, back to uploading!