Last Christmas I bought a set of star-shaped LED Christmas lights that I never got around to putting up – they just sat there in their box. Throughout the year, I though of putting them up just for fun, to make things more colorful, but never did. Yesterday, I finally got a real urge to actually pull them out of the box, and I kept wondering why, because I was definitely more excited about Halloween, not Christmas. (My orange Halloween lights are packed SOMEWHERE, perhaps never to be found again by the living. *grin*) Anyway, when I kept following that impulse to put them up I realized two things:
1. The ‘multicolored’ lights were red, orange, yellow, and green – AUTUMN colors. And,
2. The star shapes rather resembled leaves more than stars.
I love it when I follow my intuition, even when it makes no sense to how my ‘rational’ mind is seeing things, and then it all comes together in the end and makes ‘sense’ again. Ahhh, all is right with the world. 😉