Welcome September! 🙂 It’s late August, early September when all the stores have school supplies lining the isles – notebooks, pens, folders, looseleaf… half the reason I like to write is that I like to write. The feel of a pen flowing across the first page of a new notebook. 🙂 And then there’s the fresh organization of a clip binder. And folders – I used to print the name of the subject on them in big bubble letters – LOL. It got to the point where a lot of my friends would also ask me to do lettering for them. (All of this certainly goes a long way to explain my occasional dabbling in calligraphy!)

And then there was the new clothes we always got before school. My sister and I didn’t get ‘sets’ of new clothing very often, but before school was one of those times. And we’d get a good sturdy pair of leather shoes, that we knew had to last all year, except for the winter, where we got to wear short, suede boots (it was the 80’s, after all – LOL).

September has always meant newness to me. It’s a point where I get to look forward to a new set of experiences. I don’t have the school or work routine anymore, as working at home means I set my own schedule, and John has varied hours on his job which mean that weekends and holidays don’t really mean much officially either. But luckily, I have the joy that is ‘store sales’ to remind me of the passage of the human seasons. 😉

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