Interesting info on hair turning colors from Blue Moon News: “According to G. M. Gould and W. L. Pyle, the hair is liable to undergo certain changes of color connected to modification of the hair shaft and root, and the part of the bulb that secretes the color. One case quoted by Rayer, reports on a case of a young lady who after a severe fever which followed a very difficult labor, lost all of her hair, which when it grew back was coal black. She was originally a blonde. The same scientist tells of the case of James B., who was born with brown hair. But during the course of a high fever lost all of his hair, too. When his hair came back in, it was called the “brightest red I have ever seen,” by Mr. Rayer. White and gray hair have even been known to turn different colors, as reported by a Mr. Bruley. He recorded the case of a woman in 1798 whose hair had gone from quite white due to her sixty years of age, to a jet-black just a few days before her death. According to Mr. Bruley, “The bulbs in this case were found to be of great size, and appeared to be gorged with a substance from which the hair derived its color. The small amount of white hairs that remained, on the contrary, grew from shriveled bulbs much smaller than those producing the black hairs.” A very singular case, published early in the century, was of a woman whose natural color was blonde. It seemed that every time she came down with a fever, it would turn a tawny red color. As she was often sick, this apparently happened quite often. According to her doctors, her hair would return to it’s normal color as soon as the fever abated.” Reminds me of the white streak in Rogue’s hair at the end of the X-Men movie. Huh!