Well, I’ve been out and about and blogger‘s been acting up lately so I haven’t been posting that much. Actually, I’m posting this from newsblogger because of the ASP Errors I’ve been getting on blogger – I’m sure that will all work itself out soon.

I got a copy of “A Christmas Story” at the store yesterday – LOL – one of my favorites – (most of you will remember it as being the story of the kid who wants the Red Rider B-B gun for Christmas.) I remember the first time I saw the scenes where the little brother is dressed in a snow suit, falls back into the snow, and then can’t get up – THAT HAPPENED TO ME a lot as a kid. LOL.

We also got a box of our second conscious creation stuff stuff – a t-shirt and a mug with the “create your reality consciously” theme on it – they look SO cool. I’m not JUST saying that because I designed them, but because the images transferred well to both cloth and ceramic, and sometimes that can be a crapshoot.

Well, that’s all for now – perhaps I’ll be back later – you can consider that a threat if you like. *grin*

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