Crazy Vibrance Abstract Painting

This year I thought I’d try my hand with digital painting, since it’s really fun to do, and a bit easier when you don’t have time or space to pull out the regular paints and brushes. I’d heard a lot about the ArtRage program, but decided to try a freeware version first, so I downloaded MyPaint. Also dusted off the ol’ Wacom Graphire Tablet.

After playing with MyPaint for a while to get the hang of the control, I started my first ‘official’ painting, which I quite like – has a very contemporary feel to me. (In comparison to a lot of the Celtic art that I do. I suppose MOST things will feel more contemporary in that case – LOL!)

I call this abstract digital painting, Crazy Vibrance:

Crazy Vibrance Abstract Painting ©Kristen N. Fox,

Click on the image to see a larger version of it, or to purchase a print (sans the copyright notice along the bottom, of course), via my gallery at

I really love lush color, and I was really happy with how this came out – was hard to stop even when I knew it was done too – much too fun! 🙂

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