We went to the Hollister Independence Rally yesterday, mostly so John could check it out as he’s been at work during past rallies. There didn’t seem to be as many motorcycles/people as last year, but we still had to park all the way in Albertson’s (grocery store) parking lot and walk down to the blocked off streets. That’s really not so far, but you never have to do that in Hollister – there was a recent piece in the Pinnacle about how nobody seems to be using the free parking garage they built down on the main drag because we just don’t need it – LOL. And actually, parking in the grocery store lot was fine since we had to go there anyway before we left… but I digress.*grin*
I hardly took any photos of motorcycles this time, but I did get two photos of people’s interesting tattoos. The first one I didn’t ask permission to take – this guy just happened to be in front of me while we were walking through the crowd and then disappeared quickly. The second one, I asked her if I could take a photo – she smiled in a half indulgent, half amused way and said yes and even moved her brightly colored hair out of the way so I could get a clear shot. Strange thing – both tattoos were of dragons.