Daisies. Lilac daisies, actually, but the photo was taken in glaringly bright light, then ‘turned into’ a painting. 🙂
In other news… I was so tickled with the slickness of how the Whim & Vinegar Forums looked and worked that I wanted to try out my hand with php scripting and MySQL – never having even SEEN anything MySQL at all – LOL. And, of course, not really having a use for a forum on any of my OWN sites at the moment. *grin* Anyway, my friend Sharon then told me about this idea of hers to have a forum on her site, even before I mentioned it at all! So, with the help of phpBB and her ISP and some good documentation, she now has a forum running on her site! Check out Grainne’s Forum of Real Magick! (Geez – do I have enough LINKS in this post?)